Tuesday, May 5, 2015

infographics - graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. The process of creating infographics can be referred to as data visualizationinformation design, or information architecture.[2]

I got this picture from google
The picture is explaining the difference between people that make the web and make it work and people that design the websites and make everything look nice.
I got this picture from google.
This picture is explaining the process of an infographics being made.
I got this picture from creativemarket.com 
This pictur is explaining everybody part, its functions, and everything that lies under that body part including internal organs.
I got this picture from www.shape.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

font - a receptacle, usually of stone, as in a baptistery or church, containing the water used for baptism.
margin - the space around a printed or written matter on a page.
illustrator guides - to supervise (one's actions and affairs) in advisory capacity.
bleed - to lose blood from the vascular system, either internally into the body or externally through a natural orifice or break in the skin.
CMYK -colour model that describes each colour in terms of the quantity of each secondary colour (cyan, magenta, yellow), and "key" (black) it contains. The CMYK system is used for printing. For mixing of pigments, it is better to use the secondary colours, since they mix subtractively instead of additively. The secondary colours of light are cyan, magenta and yellow, which correspond to the primary colours of pigment (blue, red and yellow). In addition, although black could be obtained by mixing these three in equal proportions, in four-colour printing it always has its own ink. This gives the CMYK model. The K stands for "Key' or 'blacK,' so as not to cause confusion with the B in RGB

image resolution - is the detail an image holds. The term applies to raster digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail.

proof copy -a copy of (a book, story, etc) made from trial impressions made from composed type, or print-outs (from a laser printer, etc) for the correction of errors

artboard -a type of good-quality cardboard used for illustration and painting

registration mark - designated by ® (the circled capital letter R), is a symbol that provides notice that the preceding word or symbol is a trademark or service mark that has been registered with a national trademark office.[1][2] In some countries it is against the law to use the registered trademark symbol for a mark that is not officially registered in any country.

layout border - 

layout dimensions -here are two dimension tools in LayOut: one for creating linear or straight dimensions and one for creating angular or angled dimensions. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

LIVERY- Special uniform worn by a servant or official.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

contrast - the state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in juxtaposition or close association.

emphasis - special importance, value, or prominence given to something. 
balance - an even distribution of weight enabling something or someone to remain upright and steady
proportion - comparative relations between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, and number, etc.
perspective - the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed  from a particular point.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

(I) Watch Mr. Webb's demonstration and post notes to do the following on your blog:
- Creating a new canvas (document)
Press Command +N
SIZE of documnts chose "LETTER"
ORIENTATION choose "PORTRAIT"(straight up and down)

- Interface navigation, drawing tools (Illustrator's shapes & using the Pen Tool)

- Setting the Fill Color, and the Stroke Color
- Saving file formats (saving for Adobe Illustrator editing vs. Saving an image for the web) Images : 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Alphabet - the letters of a language in their customary order.

Street sign - a type of traffic sign used to identify named roads or give directions for drivers to keep safety.

Advertisement - a paid announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines,  on radio or television, etc.

Constellation - any various group of stars to which have a names like "Ursa Major" "Ursa minor" "Bootes" "Cancer" "Orion"

ASCII Symbols - symbols, codes, characters and signs used in the American Standard Code for information Interchange.

Electronic Symbols - is used to represent various electrical and electronic devices, in a schematic diagram of electrical and electronic circuit.

Morse Code - a method of transmitting text information as a series on-off tones, lights or clicks understood by a advanced listener or observer.

American Sign Language - is the predominant sign language of communities in the United States and English-speaking parts of Canada.

Glyph - an elemental symbol within an agreed set of symbols, intended to represent a readable character for the purposes of writing stories.

1. camp
2. park tables
3. office
4. male/female restrooms
5. parking
6. beds
7. eating place
8. watch your step
9. handicap
10. questions
11. food
12. phone
13. hiking
14. boat ramp
15. anchor
17. boat
18. ships
19. fishing
20. kayaking
21. skiing
22. skiing
23.snow mobiles
24. sledding
25.ice skating
26.horse-back riding
27. farm
28. cyclists
29. Metro
30. train station
31. carts
32. motorcycles
33. gas
34.gas station
35. airplanes
36. drinking cups
37. envelopes
38. health
39. hospital
40. wifi
41. golf
42. fire
43. trashcan
44. recycle
45. dog on leashes
46. house 
47. trailer
48. trailer